Museum opening hours: Tuesday - Saturday; 10:00 am - 5:00 pm



There are many ways to support Biblical History Center. Some are able to give time while others are able to give financially. Here, we will outline those options for you.

If you would like to support us financially, donating to BHC or becoming a member would be the best options for you.

Donation Options

You can make contributions to us directly on our website! We have a secure “donate button” on our Donations Page.

You may call our office and make a donation with a credit card over the phone.

Our bi-annually newsletter always features a giving envelope.

You can also give through the National Christian Foundation and Amazon Smile, once you establish an account, or through the Georgia Gives Day website, which does not require an account.

We also offer annual memberships with BHC that helps us thrive and engages you with us!

To make your contribution, either one time or learn more about membership opportunities, please see our Donations Page.

Thank you for your support!

This is where we can talk about gifting in-kind. Some people would rather gift stuff than money or time. We need to allow them that option


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